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SRX755993: Chestnut Blight QTL BAC Sequencing - Pool C
1 LS454 (454 GS FLX) run: 240,266 spots, 307.4M bases, 639.1Mb downloads

Design: Sequencing of a pool of bacterial artifical clones selected from Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) BAC libraries, pool C. The BACs were picked and DNA extracted. DNA was prepared as a single end library and sequenced with ½ slide of 454 single end pyrosequencing on a GS FLX (Roche). BAC address list: CMCMBB004L12 CMCMBB005J17 CMCMBB008E10 CMCMBB015O01 CMCMBB029F05 CMCMBB036N16 CMCMBB041A12 CMCMBB063B15 CMCMBB069F03 CMCMBB076D07 CMCMBB076I05 CMCMBB080B11 CMCMBB086E21 CMCMBB099G07 CMCMBB107L23 CMCMBB114O13 CMCMBB130F07 CMCMBB146A07 CMCMBD004H11 CMCMBD012B24 CMCMBD015M06 CMCMBD016D01 CMCMBD023O08 CMCMBD026K12 CMCMBD029E09 CMCMBD031L11 CMCMBD034A12 CMCMBD067P09 CMCMBD078M14 CMCMBD087F22 CMCMBD092K15 CMCMBD109G24 CMCMBD109P16 CMCMBD115C17 CMCMBD121H09 CMCMBD124H24 CMCMBD124M04 CMCMBD126G02 CMCMBD130G16 CMCMBD135B08 CMCMBD137J23 CMCMBD147C09 CMCMBD160B01 CMCMBD169I03 CMCMBD169M05 CMCMBD184G21 CMCMBD204P19 CMCMBD205H15 CMCMBD207G17 CMCMBD216C06
Submitted by: University of Tennessee
Study: Castanea mollissima strain:Vanuxem Targeted Locus (Loci)
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The integrated genetic and physical map for Chinese chestnut was utilized to identify bacterial artificial clones (BACs) located in the three previously identified QTL regions conferring blight resistance. The clones were pooled and sequenced. The BAC libraries publicly available through the Clemson University Genomics Institute (www.genome.clemson.edu)
Sample: Plant sample for Castanea mollissima
SAMN02640765 • SRS590911 • All experiments • All runs
Name: CCPoolC
Instrument: 454 GS FLX
Strategy: WGS
Selection: unspecified
Layout: SINGLE
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Runs: 1 run, 240,266 spots, 307.4M bases, 639.1Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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